Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weigh In day 3(90 days to go) & other things

Weight: 201.0
Goal Weight:162.2

Whole Wheat Cheese Crackers
Total Calories: 190


4OZ Meat
Miscellaneous-60 ( what ever else may have entered my mouth)
Total Calories: 330

Total Calories:350

Daily Total: 870

   So it looks like I only lost .2 of a lb yesterday. I am kind of disappointed in myself because I didn't lose more, but then I realized that it is only the second day and I have already lost 2lbs. I am super sore today which makes me happy. I just need to workout more today and eat less. I can do this. WE can do this. I am going to create a thinspo slide show for you guys today. We can do this. Keep up the good work!

  Notes: I was absolutly starving today! I only had about 440 calories then ended up caving around 10PM or so and ate some cereal.My workout wasn't very intense today because I was so sore. I am excided to see how sore I am tomorrow. I feel like I am making progress, but I am not making it as fast as I would like to. I need to lose like 3.3lbs a week to reach my goal, but I want to do it faster. Have you heard of the ABC diet? What do you think about it? Have you tried it? Also I need to lose 3.07lbs a week to reach my goal.

Where I am(ugh)

Where I will be once again!


  1. nice intake!! Keep it up, it is one day at a time!! I know you can do it!! :)

  2. Thanks. I really appriciate all the support!


Thinspirational Thoughts