Friday, August 31, 2012

Back On Track

So my husband left for boot camp 2 1/2 months ago, and his graduation is in like less then 2 weeks. I am so fucking annoyed that I wanted to lose 30lbs while he was gone and I HAVEN'T LOST SHIT. I may have actually gained a few pounds.I am so fucking embarrassed, you have no idea. I keep trying to lose it and its not coming off. I had a baby 5MO ago and I lost all my baby weight after 3 weeks and then it just came to a complete halt. I don't know if I got lazy or just fed up with not eating good food. Whatever it is that shit is over and done with. I am tired of hating myself. I am tired of being lazy. I am getting back on track. I am going to crash diet so hard. I will eat nothing but chicken! I am so serious. I move in 5 days to go be with my husband with he is at AIT, so I have been super busy, but this is going to be a big priority of mine. FOR SURE. I have got to lose this weight..I don't want my husband to be looking at someone who looks better then I do. I look like a fat fucking cow. 800cal a day at the most. If I slip, I will purge. I will start this Sunday, because tomorrow is my going away party and I am going to get wasted out of my mind. I'll try no food, though. Maybe I will actually get up and exercise tomorrow. Hmm, there is a thought.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. But it is pretty fucking impressive you lost all your baby weight within three weeks. I remember you getting pregnant last year and completely stopping your blogging. I'm glad you're back -- I remember we got along really well.

    I'm an Air Force wife, so I'm all too familiar with the military lifestyle. I've gone through several Afghanistan and middle east tours during my six-year marriage to my husband. It's not easy being a military wife, but you can do it.

    Congrats on your baby, btw! I'll text you in a little while (I just saw your comment) -- but my phone is in the other room right now.


Thinspirational Thoughts